Learn to win without cheating

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Learn to win without cheating

Postby ^5Bubbl3 » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:09 pm

:arrow: Hello brothers, I would like to leave a complaint about the donor "Arian
If any moderator, the one who can, go through the server "allweapons us" and be incognito by looking at Arian, it will be seen that the wallhack never deactivates it, but it does not learn to play clean.
It's all, greetings and blessings
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Re: Learn to win without cheating

Postby Arian » Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:23 am

Last edited by Arian on Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Learn to win without cheating

Postby Arian » Mon Feb 19, 2018 2:45 am

^5Bubbl3 wrote: Hello brothers
HELLO BROTHERS? So much for fair and balanced moderating. :lol:

Nah, I am below average player. According to Sirplayer, Nalio (LEO) who is usually predominating every game he plays and maintains a average between 90 - 120 Kills with only 15 - 35 deaths with a ranking of 2.15, is just an average player and I am well below his rank and never have his k/d ratio. So, that puts me below an average player ranking. If I was cheating I would have a better ranking than Nalio (LEO) who is just an average player.:D

As to winning, I hardly ever win a game because there is too many cheaters dominating the gaming map. I am also a victim of being temp banned abused while in spectate mode and while playing maps games initiated by a few of you Hispanic players, because your cheats and trolls. I don't care about winning or losing, unlike a lot of you who only play to dominate the game and other players, by any possible means necessary.

Spyyy already temp bans me when he is on another server map taking the word from another BROTHER on chat messaging that I am cheating.

Man, I think I should change my name to ARIANO, then maybe all you Hispanic trolls will leave me alone. Pretty ridiculous and childish behavior coming from a lot of players who do in fact cheat and some having a couple of King-Clan gaming accounts, like you Bubbl3. ;)

Rank 19, Kills 530, only 30 deaths, Headshots 473 and a K/D Ratio of 17.56 and your other account, Bubbl3. I think YOU should learn to play without cheaing. :lol:

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Re: Learn to win without cheating

Postby ^5Bubbl3 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 6:46 am

first you have a demonstration where I'm using wallhack :?: , so in my corsierne I do not use traps
Every player has several accounts
that capture that you have made about me and about the account, has more time than you.You started to abuse the privileges,you accuse players better than you of wallhack, you have banned and accused without evidence, so in general, when a donor bans he must publish, a demonstration of the banned player.
So you Arian have not published anything in the part of "Ban Appeals"
You will have it clear in the call of duty, but not in the server in which you are playing
If you look closely, the two administrators and the moderators have more time than you on this server on which you are playing.
the publication that I did, was for that moderator.. who could go incognito and see you, to really know if you play clean or not
I have not betrayed or cheated the game, within the server I am participating in the: year / day / month (2015/25/March), I have more time than you inside the server, and I do not need to cheat to win.
I will not waste time on you, I just made a petition publicatio
luck :arrow:
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Re: Learn to win without cheating

Postby spyyy » Mon Feb 19, 2018 3:30 pm

^5Bubbl3 wrote::arrow: Hello brothers, I would like to leave a complaint about the donor "Arian
If any moderator, the one who can, go through the server "allweapons us" and be incognito by looking at Arian, it will be seen that the wallhack never deactivates it, but it does not learn to play clean.
It's all, greetings and blessings

Do not worry, he's already punished for it.
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Re: Learn to win without cheating

Postby Arian » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:28 pm

^5Bubbl3 wrote:first you have a demonstration where I'm using wallhack :?: , so in my corsierne I do not use traps
Every player has several accounts

Why do you need several accounts? Name all the players who have several accounts. The ranking speaks for itself, your trying an attempt to defend yourself with undefensible facts. The screenshot of your ranking speaks for itself, your a hypocritical cheater.

BubbI3 quote: "that capture that you have made about me and about the account, has more time than you.You started to abuse the privileges,you accuse players better than you of wallhack, you have banned and accused without evidence, so in general, when a donor bans he must publish, a demonstration of the banned player."

The screenshot ranking does not have more time than I do. Your a Sgt with a 19 ranking. As to the rest of your nonsensical comment prove it with solid evidence, not just your childish rhetorical lies. I have published numerous videos of initiating published temp bans, your just lying again as usual.

BubbI3 quote: "So you Arian have not published anything in the part of "Ban Appeals."

Are you talking about my own bans, your bans, another players bans, your comment is convoluted.

BubbI3 quote: "If you look closely, the two administrators and the moderators have more time than you on this server on which you are playing."

What two administrators/moderators? I seen none in the Screenshot of you? The Screenshot is the subject of fact at issue of you cheating with another account with numerous 90% head shots and a 17.56 K/D ratio. NO ONE HAS THIS RATIO WITH CLEAN GAMING ON THE PLANET. Don't deviate of the Screenshot subject which is factual evidence of you overwhelmingly cheating in fact. More time,very high ranking means nothing as to the authenticity of honesty. Creditably is only assigned to the ones who have earned honesty, you have none, as well as many others on the server.

BubbI3 quote: "The publication that I did, was for that moderator.. who could go incognito and see you, to really know if you play clean or not."

Were not talking about me now, were talking about you in the Screenshot CHEATING with a Superman ranking. I don't need to cheat as I am a below average player, Sirplayer already proved that fact my his own statements.

BubbI3 quote:"I have not betrayed or cheated the game, within the server I am participating in the: year / day / month (2015/25/March), I have more time than you inside the server, and I do not need to cheat to win. I will not waste time on you, I just made a petition publicatio"

Your Screenshot posted already confirms your one of the worst cheaters on the King-Clan gaming server. Learn to speak coherent English as your English grammar is really horrendous. Also, your very childish and immature to put so much energy, time and emphasis into a killing game video. I am retired and have all the time in the world, but your a young person, a kid, who needs to concentrate on the future and earning a living for yourself. Your not going to find it wasting your valuable time playing video games.

I do not care about winning, losing, cheating in video games, as they are just that VIDEO GAMES. I do not make any money playing video games.
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Re: Learn to win without cheating

Postby ^5Bubbl3 » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:15 am

The user can create the accounts that are necessary!
You should not comment on how many accounts I have, when you should look at yourself
I'm not a hypocrite and I do not cheat either
As I said antarior mind, it has more time than you, and the server administrator can see when the account was created
I do not need to lie, and I'm too honest
If you know how to think and reason what I say, the account that is cast in the server "Eu allwapons"
If you play with a couple and with flags, you can climb fast rankin, in addition to low averages, with each flag that you put half a bar, and as you go up and up Rankin delays the bar to rise
That's not cheating, playing with a partner and improving the account is nothing wrong.
You have posted videos on "youtube", when your videos should be published in the forum part, on the server you play and on the part of Ban Appeals
I abuse? you name an account that I do not even use in which I go incognito I do not see anything wrong with that. After receiving so much ban, you did not learn to play without cheating, because you do it when the moderators are not prensent
I have 4 years inside the server and I play too clean, I do not resort to cheating, it is clear to you
Respect if you want to be respected, because you already have done it.
Good luck. :arrow:
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Re: Learn to win without cheating

Postby MissCabronaVIP » Tue Feb 20, 2018 1:36 am

I am going to explain to you how is our way of playing: first enter the server with a minimum rank acount, wait for the opponent to kill him too many times, (a duck waiting to be hunted). I have 5 accounts of my own, of which I am a donor, there is no problem with that.
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Re: Learn to win without cheating

Postby Arian » Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:52 am

BUBBI3 and All Players:

Frankly, too be honest, I don't care if you cheat or not.
I don't care if you have 100,000 kills and only 100 deaths.
I don't care if you have a ranking of 10,000
I don't care what you think about me?
I don't care what you say about me?

And you know why?

1. Because it is a silly killing kid video game from 13 years ago.
2. Has nothing to do with realty and the real world, which we all have to live in.
3. None of the players make any money playing on the server.
How much money do players make? $0.00
How much money do cheater players make? $0.00.
4. It robs people of precious time which can be devoted to something constructive for themselves.
5. With all the vulgarity, demeaning, deceiving and abuse by other players, Christians should really be asking themselves "Should I be playing and associating in a killing video game?"
6. Honestly, each person has to ask themselves, "Am I a better person for playing killing video games?"

And to be totally honest with you, I have been just having fun with all my postings and comments, watching a few of you get all mad and excited about it. As I have only initiated postings in response to other players posting negative comments about me.

I have never initiated a original posting statement on the Board Index about another player cheating, hacking, but only with response and defensive actions against other players slandering my person.

So, for the above stated comments I don't take these killing video games seriously. But, some of you act like it is the only thing you have in your life, which is truly sad. :(
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Re: Learn to win without cheating

Postby MissCabronaVIP » Tue Feb 20, 2018 3:32 am

Nobody needs philosophy classes, each one does what he wants with his life.
You just want to be famous. LOL
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